Who we are

OPIGEO is a company that provides support and services to the construction for environmental sustainability, for the mitigation of the effects of climate change and for the efficient use and recycling of industrial by-products, through study and process optimization and diagnostic analysis of materials.

OPIGEO was born as an Italian center specialized in microstructural research on cement materials and in the formulation of binders for construction. In this role it has become a point of reference for leading industrial companies, accentuating in recent years the interest in activities aimed at implementing the principles of Circular Economy through Technological Innovation..

Opigeo team

Gilberto Artoli

Prof. Gilberto Artioli

Direttore Scientifico

Maurizio Bellotto

Prof. Maurizio Pietro Bellotto

Amministratore – Direttore di produzione


Manuela Brotto

Manuela Brotto

Amministratore – Legale rappresentante e Direttore Amministrativo/Finanziario


Simone Zannelli

Amministratore – Direttore Commerciale


Luca Valentini

Ph. Luca Valentini


Giuseppe Emmi

Ph. Giuseppe Emmi



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